Sunday, November 4, 2007


So, I've been "tagged" to post "6 facts about Lia" - here we go:
1) Feet and thumbs gross me out, therefore these might be the first things I notice about you. If you give me someone's name that I know, I can most definitely describe their feet and their thumbs to you in great detail.
2) I talk, laugh, cry and tickle my arm whilst it's held up at a 90 degree angle in my sleep. I freak Ryan out. What's even more freaky is that my sister does it too--genetic?
3) My favorite treat ever is S'mores. It's the only reason I agree to camp, ever. Which leads me to my 4th...
4) I HATE camping. Don't tell Ryan, though I'm sure he already knows, he's just in denial. These are words that come to mind: dirty, cold, ticks, coin showers, public restrooms at 2 AM with a flashlight, boring, unless there's a beach,... So in regards to camping I just have one question: "Why?"
5) I start watching Christmas movies in August...okay, July.
6) And last, but not least, I will leave you with this: I get stage fright in public restrooms. In the dorms in college, I would always turn the faucet on before I went into a stall--everyone knew it was me in there when they walked in to a running faucet. Unless they were a guest, and in their ignorance turned it off, then I would have to wait for them to finish and leave. However, if you too share this same phobia, here's a little trick that I've learned since college: plug your ears. This works for two reasons: one, if someone does walk in the bathroom, you can't really hear, so you hardly know that they are there, and two, if you can't hear yourself pee, then nobody else can either, right?
Hope you enjoyed a little window into my life:) I am going to tag:
And that pretty much comprises my list of blogger friends--it just occurred to me, I need more friends...


Cassy said...

I totally get stage fright too! Haha. When Chris and I were first married I would rarely go if I knew he was close to the bathroom, and NEVER without turning on the fan to drown out the sound. I'll have to remember to plug my ears next time. hehe.