Monday, October 22, 2007


Ummm, I'm sorry, but miniature shinguards, cute! Below are some action shots of Kayla at soccer "practice"--quotes because they are all "practices" really. Community center soccer doesn't actually have games. Unfortunately, she believes she will be receiving a shiny trophy at the end of the season, which is why she wanted to play in the first place... How much do you think we'd have to pay Coach Pedro and Coach Katie to participate in a mock pizza party and trophy ceremony at the local pizza joint?

Body Check!



"The Team"


Cassy said...

She is so cute! And not shy at all about being aggressive!

lmhiserman said...

Kayla is just too cute! I love the soccer outfit. I can't wait to see Halloween pictures of the kids. They are adorable. We miss you guys. You still have to come up for a visit.

Cassy said...

Oh yeah, I'm "tagging" you.