Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Benson's Birthday and My Husband is #1!

My work of art.
This picture makes me laugh because whenever Ryan gets a new surfboard or a new car part or something he says that I better make room because it's coming to bed with us--like father like son. PS In case there is lingering doubt, nothing has ever come to bed with us...

On his ACTUAL birthday on Monday, he requested Cheeseburgers (his favorite) for dinner--here he is basking in the glory of some of his favorite foods.

And finally, my husband is #1 because also on Benson's actual birthday, he brought these home for ME--he said because I gave birth to his son on the exact day 3 years ago--Suave, I know;)


Nancy said...

very smooth of ryan.

i can't believe benson's so big now. my goodness.

so didja know that "Lia" is on our short list for baby names? i keep changing my mind though as to which name on the short list, i sure hope i get my act together by the time this kid shows up!