Sunday, August 17, 2008

Half Dome

So, last week my husband and his friend, Anthony, decided that they were going to hike Half Dome the middle of the night...because it was a full moon. Okay.
If any of you are not familiar with this hike, it is in Yosemite, it is 17.2 miles round trip, extremely steep at parts, and difficult enough in the daylight.
This is Half Dome.
They left San Jose at 7:30 PM, got to the trail head by Midnight, I got a text message at 4:30 AM that they had arrived at the summit...
Here's Ryan at the summit in the dark.

Sun is rising....and lots of crazy folks who also hiked all night!
Sun's Up.

6 AM: Back down the mountain.


Back at the car by 10:15 AM, then drove home and arrived in San Jose at 3:30PM!
He smelled and I immediately threw his socks in the trash, but he did it! Congratulations Ryan! 28 and still got it!

And PS when Ryan told Kayla that he was going to climb a mountain, first she gave him her little bunny to take with him (and I mean little--as big as your fingernail), then she wanted to make him a card.
Here's Ryan (who incidentally looks like Tarzan) on top of the mountain.

And here's pink bunny, also on top of the mountain!


Josie said...

i love that he took a picture of the bunny. way to go on the hike, ryan!