Thursday, February 14, 2008

USS Hornet

Ahoy Matey!
Today Ryan took the day off of work and we went up to Alameda to finally get my military ID--for anyone who is involved in the military in any way, you know that any request of any type can be a lengthy process. This time it was actually very efficient--they still got my birthday wrong, but we make those concessions in return for overall competence.
But, since we were already up there we decided to do some type of family activity--some families might opt go to the zoo, a park, or the museum...not the Youngs! We decided to go check out the USS Hornet, a WWII Aircraft carrier docked in Alameda.
It was super fun and here are some highlights:


Apparently where Lady Hornett's powder their noses.

Operating Table in Sick Bay--freaky.

We highly recommend the tour, there is a nominal fee, but can you really put a price on history? I think not. And, if you're really brave, they have an OVERNIGHTER! I thought it was a little spooky mid-day down on the second deck or so, and that's why I say brave.
Stay tuned for our next adventure!


Josie said...

what a fun day!

and by the way, i'm still laughing from the comment you just left on my blog. so true.

see you friday!

Cassy said...

That's cool! Kayla looked at home on the operating table...future doctor??