Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mrs. Beesley's Busy Bee School

Kayla had her first day of preschool today at Mrs. Beesley's, otherwise known in our household as "The Beez".
This morning in the car:
Kayla: Mom, is this YOUR music on the radio, or MY music?
Me: My music.
Kayla: Can I listen to my music?
Me: Sure, what do you want, Disney CD, Raffi,...?
Kayla: Ummm, Ralphie (Raffi).
She then proceeded to sing each song and comment after the close of each:
"I knew all the words to that one, that was an easy one."
And the kicker, just as we are pulling up to Mrs. Beesley's:
"I can't WAIT to show Mrs. Beesley how I can write my name, she's gonna be SO impressed."
While some may find smarty pants's annoying, I on the contrary am filled with the reassurance that MY little smarty pants is going to make it in this world--and, afterall, what did you expect? She IS her mother's daughter;)


Cassy said...

She looks so cute! How crazy that she's already starting preschool. Next year Kindergarten!! Ahh!!

Nancy said...

Okay, no, Kayla cannot be starting preschool. We cannot be that old.

lmhiserman said...

Kayla looks older and older everytime I see her. She is just adorable and good for her for being such a smarty pants. I wouldn't expect anything less from her! I just love her.