Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Camping New Brighton

On Saturday we went camping in Santa Cruz--it was the maiden voyage of the "side tent" pictured below:

Here are some highlights:

This was nice because I took this picture from afar--shortly after which I fell asleep in the sun, something I haven't actually done since pre-kid years! It was heavenly.

And of course, the surf lesson. Kayla wasn't quite ready to get in the water, but she was pretty thrilled about the wet suit and having daddy pull her around on the boogie board in the sand!

And so, camping was really fun blaa blaa blaa, but here is the real story...

Late Saturday night Ryan hopped down from the top bunk in the van and grabbed the flashlight--"Raccoons!" he whispered loudly. He opened the van door and the little stinker ran away, but not before he had opened both the lid to our cooler and to our food bin and ravaged the pasta salad, graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate, cereal, etc etc. All of it...gone. Ryan immediately (at 2 AM) got out his little broom and dustpan and began to clean up the mess the little rodent had left...what a responsible camper. I would have left it for the birds. I think I dreamt that night about that clever little raccoon on Over the Hedge--or I dreamt about Bruce Willis who plays the VOICE of the clever little raccoon on Over the Hedge... So anyway, now I am on the watch for raccoon proof coolers and tupperware...any tips?

PS: Before I go, one editorial comment about "camping": who said camping has to be dirty? I mean, can't we treat the camp bathrooms as we would treat our bathrooms at home people? We're all friends here on the campground--if you get poop on the seat at home, wouldn't you clean it off? I guess some people who camp really WANT to be dirty... Not I, and I feel it my responsibility to start a clean camping revolution. I just have to find the public "powder keg" as they say...my PERSONAL "powder keg" is obviously the poop on the seat in combination with my 3-year old whom I have to tell that if she touches anything in the public bathroom she'll get germ bugs on her hands and they'll rot and fall off.


Nancy said...

Lia you're hilarious. I can't believe how big Benson is now. We need to hang out soon, I don't think Brad has even seen him yet!

Also, i made a blog. Then i saw yours. and oops, i copied your template. Oh well.

Nancy said...

Brad has to stop the car and let me get out and take pictures a lot, it's true.

I like traveling. I would like to be traveling now, like Brad is, running around Mexico City for no reason. Instead I am in my office pretending to work. Sigh.

Brad thinks the side tent is sweet. I thought Ryan might like to know that.