Thursday, October 15, 2009

We have a piano!!!!

Isn't she beautiful?!
I have wanted a piano for a VERY long time, and I was beginning to think it might never happen...
As luck would have it, our friend Britain owns a piano tuning/repairing business and was kind enough to give us this one that was just going to sit around in his warehouse!
Thank you Britain!!!!


Cassy said...

Awesome! Does he have any others lying around? haha!

Nancy said...

nice! we need a piano too. what a good friend!

oh, and in response to your comment:

1. i forgot you live in santa cruz.

2. we never went further north than monterey.

3. i'm at home now.

Unknown said...

It is gorgeous! Now Kayla and Benson can learn the hymnbook too! (see my latest post..) and you can be the mother-harper about practicing! You guys are so lucky to be given such a great gift. Congrats!