Friday, February 20, 2009


A friend of ours wrote a scathing editorial one year with the aforementioned title referring to the blessed day of love as a "crime" against men, basically. This for the cliched and obvious reasons men WOULD think it's some sort of crime to have the expectation of an outpouring of romantic adoration for their lovely wives and girlfriends placed upon them.
While I did enjoy the article, I still love V-day. And as you will see, we welcome many different forms of expression of love in our relationship--even miniature race cars...

And thanks to Josie and Justin for coming with us and blowing a wad to speed around in little lawnmowers for a half an hour...oh, and for lapping me 48 times. In my defense, 27 and never had a speeding ticket, not one. Thank you.
Super fun, we'll see you at the tracks next year!
(PS Re: group photo--Hello gnome in the land of trees)


Cassy said...

Ahh, but that is why we love you. Everyone needs a cute gnome for their garden.